Yö Kekri: The Sun Ray Hunter

15.10. 12-20

Natalia Koziel-Kalliomäki, Ina Heiskanen, Jyrki Sinisalo & Annette Wesseling

Hello in October. The autumn equinox is already behind us (September 23rd), from that moment we start running out of light more and more till the fall hits the darkest. But here comes The SUN RAY HUNTER a one-day exhibition that invites you to utterly spell-binding and radiant experience. 

Me, Natalia Kozieł-Kalliomäki (PL/FIN) together with invited artists Iina Heiskanen (FIN), Jyrki Sinisalo (FIN) and Annette Wesseling (D) we discuss the issue of light and then share its different definitions with public at the YÖ gallery. Through our works we want to boost the connection with natural power of sun and strong beam of light to illuminate the months to come and better prepare for poorly lit Finnish winter. 

Among the other artist’s works I will present an installation THE SUN RAY HUNTER - solar inventory – a record of the sun traces collected from different countries – by using one of the earliest low-tech processes known in the history of printmaking: the cyanotype method, commonly known as the sun printing. Collected files will be to share straight at the gallery. You can keep it in your pocket and save it forever. 

In POP THE LIGHT we are looking for actions that engage many senses. Exhibited elements involve the viewer, through the experience of art they becomes contemplative and even meditative. In addition to its sensual visual aspect, the aim of this project is to evoke a feeling of connection and coexistence. 
Welcome to our show!

This project is supported by TAIKE Arts Promotion Centre Finland