Past events


klo 13.00-14.30

Kuvataiteilija Milla Toukkari ja runoilija Henrik Pathirane keskustelevat teoksistaan, taiteilijakirjoista, taiteesta ja kirjoista, kuvista ja tekstistä.

Yö Galleriassa on saatavilla käsidesiä ja kasvomaskeja.

Tapahtuma näytetään myös ajantasaisena suoratoistona Youtubessa.

Streaming link:

5.8.2021 - 15.8.2021
Music, Exhibition, Performance, Video art

“alun edellä, kielen aamun”

Alena Tereshko, Helena Sorvali, K. H. Krohn, Henrik Pathirane, Juhani Räisänen, Milla Toukkari, Riikka Ahlfors, Vappu Charlotta Sandström, Janne Kaarlehto, Minnamari Toukola, Tapani Pirog, Pihla Pitkänen

Yö Galleria, Lönnrotinkatu 33, Helsinki


ti–pe 14–19
la–su 12–17

Näyttely aukeaa ilman avajaisia 15.4. kello 14. Yö Lehden ensimmäisen numeron suoratoistettavat julkistusjuhlallisuudet esityksineen alkavat kello 18.

Yö Fest on neljän ryhmänäyttelyn ja lukuisien tapahtumien kokonaisuus, jossa on Yö ry:n jäsenten teoksia ja esityksiä. Yö Fest vol. 1.4 on kaksi kuukautta kestävän festivaalin viimeinen näyttely.


15.7.2021 - 25.7.2021

Opening Thu July 15 from 4 to 6 pm

Open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday, July 20-25, 2021 from 3 to 7 pm

At other times, the exhibition can be viewed through the window of the Yö Galleria.

The exhibition Glass Behind Glass presents a selection of glass objects made in the last couple of years by Kimmo Reinikka (b.1975) and Kaappo Lähdesmäki (b.1982).
Both Kimmo and Kaappo work as entrepreneurs in Lasisismi´s glass studio and spend much of their time on commissioned works based on the designs of others. The works exhibited here have been created as a counterbalance to that, and celebrate the joy of working with glass when the artists have been let free to explore their own ideas.
In his art, Kimmo utilizes his experience of diverse glass techniques and applies them in creative and original ways. Kaappo makes both complex sculptures that are entirely hot-worked, as well as works assembled from cold-worked parts. Both artists have featured in many exhibitions and their works can be found in both private and glass museum collections.
The Lasismi glass studio is located in Riihimäki, in the old premises of the former Riihimäki glass factory. Lasismi began its operations by continuing the operations of Jaakko Liikanen's glass studio in 2010, and has produced countless different works of glass art, as well as commercial glass and other projects. In addition to commissioned work, an important part of their activity has always been both organizing their own exhibitions and participating in joint exhibitions. As time has gone by, the proportion of their time spent on traditional industrial-type serial work has diminished.
In just over ten years, the nature of client work has changed and currently Lasismi mostly implements unique works, as well as glass parts for restoration. In Lasismi, Kaappo is mainly responsible for blowing and Kimmo for grinding. Their high level of professionalism has guaranteed enough commissioned work to maintain the operation of the Lasismi glass cabin. Additionally, the commissioned work has pushed the artists to use and increase their expertise through a variety of projects designed by outside artists and designers.

More information:
Yö Galleria / Yö ry:
Kimmo Reinikka / Cooperative Lasismi:

12.6.2021 - 4.7.2021

Coming home

Yö Galleria

La / Lö / Sat 12.6.2021
Avoinna / Öppen / Open


Avoinna ti-pe 12-17 | la-su 12-16
Öppen tis-fre 12-17 | lö-sö 12-16
Opening hours Tue-Fri 12-17 | Sat-Sun 12-16

8.5.2021 - 30.5.2021

Swedish-Finnish group exhibition at Yö Galleria, Helsinki, May 8 – May 30 2021 
Curated by Anton Wiraeus and Ilkka Pitkänen

In these times of travel restrictions and quarantine, remote work and closed cultural facilities, we feel that it is important to look ahead and maintain contact with our neighbouring countries.

For the exhibition project that takes place in May 2021, we start a collaboration and exchange with artists from Finland and Sweden. The first part of the exhibition will be held in Yö Galleria, which is located on Lönnrotinkatu, Helsinki and is run by the newly found Artists' Association Yö.

The theme and name of the exhibition is A floating border. The land border between Finland and Sweden is 555 kilometers long and consists for the most part of rivers that flow between the countries and also the Baltic Sea, where moving water is the barrier that separates the countries. A boundary that cannot be marked out and that is constantly moving in different directions.



Kokeile collective consists of four core members.

Sound and perfomance:
Mikko Silventoinen (081079) - Utu Lautturi
Jan-Christian Forsman (070581) - Pigments
Wille Hermansson (010679) - Astroschnautzer

Visuals and decor: 
Harri Ahvenainen (070981) - Rudolf Styler


kello 12.00–15.00

Yö Festin vappuohjelman aloittaa myyjäiset Yö Galleriassa. Sisällä galleriassa on taidepaitoja ja muita joukkorahoituskampanjastamme tuttuja Yö-tuotteita. Kadulla on myynnissä suolaista purtavaa. Luvassa tietenkin myös yllätysesityksiä.

Galleriaan mahtuu turvallisesti kymmenen vierasta samanaikaisesti.


Music, Performance, Video art

kello 18.00-20.00

Torstaina 22.4. osana Yö Festiä järjestetään Yö ry:n jäsenten sanataiteen ilta Yö Galleriassa. Tarkoituksena on tuoda näkyväksi yhdistyksen sanaa käyttävien taiteilijoiden kirjo.
Runoutta, räppiä, oopperaa, kieltä käyttävää performanssi- tai videotaidetta, tarinankerrontaa, kuiskailua, saarnaa ja paasausta, aseemista elehdintää. Illan esitykset voivat olla mitä tahansa. 
Ohjelma tarkentuu lähempänä.


kello 18.00-19.00

Julkistustilaisuus: Yö Lehti #1: Utopia

Samana päivänä kuin Yö Festin neljäs ryhmänäyttely aukeaa, Yö Lehti #1: Utopian julkistamista juhlistetaan. Ohjelmassa on esityksiä lehden teksteistä.

Video art

Yö Galleria
PEACE2022 – screening event
Thursday April 14
From 6pm

PEACE2022 is an off-line digital project encouraging artists from all over the world to express their anti-war position and support the anti-war movement everywhere on our planet. The initiative presents anti-war art from 25 countries made by more than 300 artists – with more contributions arriving daily.

The duration of the program is 2 hours.

The program also includes works from member artists of Yö.

Curator: Josef Ka.

Yö Galleria
Lönnrotinkatu 33
00180 Helsinki