Past events


To 26.10. klo 19:00 alkaen:

The Helsinki Harps Folk Group: Thinning the veil
Maija Saksman ja koollekutsutut: Salaperäinen seurue


handle with care
Yö Galleria Wed 18.10.23 at 16.30-18 (on going)

A long-lasting and partially participatory performance that explores the present and listening encounter through physical and non-physical touch. Can we find ways of caring and caring, gestures of acceptance that create bridges? What kind of culture of touching do we need to cultivate in order to have more empathetic encounters in today's world? Can we trust that we want to face each other with care and gentleness?



Five artists from various art fields come together to present their work and collaborate with each other.
It is an experiment in creating live art forms oscillating between individual and collective actions.

The artists are:

Abdissa Mamba Assefa, percussion
Parsa Kameshkhosh, performance art
Analiá Beltrán, performance art
Anna Wilhelmus, live colours
Oliver Whitehead, poetry and dance

13.10.2023 - 20.10.2023

Artists: Serafiina Edelmann, Sunna Kangas, Maire Keinänen, Saara Lakso,  Marja Rosenberg, Satu Metsola,  Marianne Monto, Tanja Nyo, Pola Laamanen, Gabriella Presnal, Roope Laine, Misa Saraste, Pietu Tamminen, Taira Tiger, Tiina Mononen, Sanna Ulvila, Sofia Vuorenmaa 


Fri  6.10. at 19 


Mai Pesonen: Lepäävä nyyrikki
Ama Zing & Mike Azid: Wake Up and Smell the Magic 
Hanna-Maija Pääkkönen : PULSO – syke


4.10.2023 - 11.10.2023


Jermu Lakka, Krista Blomqvist, Henriikka Pöllänen, Ilari Vanhatalo , Laura Kopio , Kristiina Lähteenmäki-Hein, Iikka Lehtinen , Jukka-Pekka Niemi, Anu Nirkko, Outi Ruottinen , Otto Santala , Veera Vartiainen Blake Weston, Ninni Wager


2.10.2023 - 29.10.2023

Yö Kekri Vol.2 is an multi-art festival organized at Yö Galleria, in the center of Helsinki from October 2th to October 29th, 2023. The event brings together different fields of art from visual arts and music to live poetry and from dance to performance art. The theme of Kekri Vol.2 is "Carnival". As a cross-cultural phenomenon carnival is a festival of anarchy, laughter and transgression, a temporary release from social obligations and hierarchies.

21.9.2023 - 1.10.2023

MÄKI-NEVALA –MOTTISENKANGAS fill the Yö Galleria with a video installation. The installation of a three-channel documentary is named PastureG28. The artist duo highlights the value of pastoral scenery as attraction. G28 is the technical term of an official road sign pointing to a place of interest.

The landscape opens up as wide open space on a summer night. Grazing livestock roars and birds give a concert. The picture and the sound ruminates and just is there. The artwork neither spells out one question nor one answer.

The subjective artwork, with the authors saying a loving good bye to the landscape of their childhoods. Adaptation is necessary, and the nostalgia is marred by an awareness of the climate crisis.

1.9.2023 - 17.9.2023

Opening on 31.8. from 18:00

"I am fascinated when a space, thing or object is used in a different way than it was originally built or designed for. Like skateboarding or graffiti painting, for example, where urban space is seen through curious eyes. 

In music, a sampler was developed that allowed old songs to be cut, rearranged and played, even backwards. 

I consider myself a kind of human sampler when I work with my pieces. They include old works, for example, as well as found material, which I manipulate in the studio in various ways. 

It is fascinating to find a new meaning and life for discarded material or a failed idea. When I work, I try to be very intuitive and indulge in the act of making. I even consider working as a kind of spiritual exercise. Yet my works are very materialistic, because we are firmly attached to the material world, whether we like it or not. And these materials often contain a lot of emotions, memories and thoughts that we use to try to understand and articulate this chaotic world."

Tuomas Holst. 1978.
Master of Fine Arts.
Lives and works in Helsinki.
IG: samout_tsloh


1.9.2023 - 17.9.2023

Avajaiset 31.8. klo 18

Kaikkien värien kaaos, epälooginen mosaiikki, kuin musiikkia ilman järjestelmää. Kuitenkaan se ei ole riitasointuinen.

Väriä ei voi hallita, se levittäytyy omien sääntöjensä mukaan. Nyanssit syntyvät, ja ne katoavat ja syntyvät uudestaan. Väri on kosketeltavaa tunnetta ja laajeneva atmosfääri. Väri on määrittämätön tila, joka hajoaa runsauteensa.